


英國土木工程師學會(Institution of Civil Engineers/ICE)典藏一批韓得善(David Marr Henderson)檔案,經由熱血的南岬塔友前往ICE,並邀集英國友人預約、到訪、拍攝,間接取得包含東椗島(Chapel Island)、北椗島(Dodd Island)、烏邱嶼(Ockseu)、鵝鑾鼻(South Cape)燈塔檔案翻拍;再藉由ICE追尋西嶼(Fisher Island)燈塔資料,南岬塔友取得一篇未公開文件。 (*1)
ps. 貼圖為友人在英國土木工程師學會(Institution of Civil Engineers)檔案室的翻拍記錄。

這份文件內容是哈爾定(John Reginald Harding)自述在華經歷,以下僅對「登山打雀」的部份,予以原文抄錄:
One morning we started several hours before daybreak in order to reach a wood famous for deer situated some miles distant. My "boy" followed with breakfast, and Bunkict stepped out a good four  miles an hour in the bright moonlight with a silent, untiring, springy step and presently, after some  rough travelling, we reached the outskirts of our wood about an hour before daylight and there lay  down to rest for a few minutes. The only living thing we had seen on the way was a huge wild cat which was too quick for me to get a shot at; but presently two more savages appeared, walking at a tremendous pace and having the port fires from their matchlocks burning. These we followed and diving into thick jungle, I found it no easy matter to keep up with them.

Soon they stopped and pointed to fresh deer tracks in the soft sandy soil, then after a hurried whispering we parted, Bunkict leading me off one way and the other two making a circuit in order to drive the deer towards us. After walking through what appeared to me to be miles of jungle, Bunkict stopped at a spot which afforded a rather more open view and crouching down proceeded to make a sort of hiding place of boughs in which he and I were to sit. He next carefully broke off from the surrounding bushes such twigs and interfered with our view and we then squatted down motionlesss and silent watching the day slowly breaking. We sat for more than an hour, seeing nothing but a solitary fancolin, although we could hear plenty of game all round us. At last I could stand the cramped position no longer and determined to give it up and make tracks for breakfast. Bunkict seemed rather disappointed that I didn't remain for two or three hours longer and I believe the savage sportsman would sometimes sit in one position all night for the chance of a shot.

(*1) 這份文件是哈爾定在蒙茅斯工人俱樂部(Monmouth Working Men’s Club)的訪談紀錄,其中Part 1和Part 2,自1880-03南安普敦(Southampton)起程,遠赴中國參與建設石碑山燈塔(Break Point Lighthouse)、鵝鑾鼻燈塔(South Cape Lighthouse)的歷程。件末Part 3註明Not transcribed。

1. 2024/02/16初稿貼於Google Blogger。
2. 2024/03/16校正