
古蹟、單車、親子,我的記錄簿。 (蝴蝶+1)



清代海關燈塔自1878-04-01起,管理以溫州分段,北段以上海為中心,南段統歸廈門關。 (*1)

以下原文節錄自【Report on Lights, Buoys, and Beacon(1883)】,由時任廈門關稅務司柏卓安(J. McLeavy Brown)於1884-12-31提出「Report for the year 1883 on the Lights managed by the Amoy Office, and on the Buoys and Beacons in the Amoy District」。 (*2)(*3)(*4)

Saracen Head Light (*5)
旗山鐙 (*6)

Thought this Light, which was first exhibited, as it was constructed under the superintendence of Mr. Assistant Engineer Harding, and the materials were provided at this office, the following description of it and its construction is here given.

The Light was exhibited for the first time on the 19th November 1883.

The illuminating apparatus is fixed dioptric of the sixth order, showing a white light from N. 36° W. round by north and east to S. 20° 30' E, where the Light is shut out by the bluff at the foot of Ape Hill.
照明設備為固定的六等透光鏡,顯示白光,自北36°西往北和東到南20°30'東,光線被猴山山腳下的懸崖遮住。 (*7)

The bearings are magnetic, and taken from seaward.

The Light, is elevated 164.25 feet above the level of the sea, and in clear weather it should he visible at a distance of 10 nautical miles. (*8)

The Light-building is of brick, 16.5 feet high, and is painted white.

Approximate position:
Latitude 22° 36’ 14” N.
Longitude 120° 16’ E.
概略位置:北緯22° 36’ 14”、東經120° 16’。

The Light is the one formerly used at the South Cape as a temporary Light; it has been built into the angle of a small brick hut, which serves the purposes of a light and service room. The building occupied a little over three weeks in erecting, owing to the inferior workmen obtainable at Takow. The hut is 6 feet square inside, and is furnished with a cupboard, table, stool, and oil cistern; it is built on a solid foundation platform of rubble stone. The bricks and tiles used in its construction were brought from the South Cape, and the other materials, excepting lime, taken over from Amoy. The Light apparatus is protected during the day by folding teak shutters. The Light, like the one at Anping, is managed form the Takow office.
該「燈」是之前在南岬所使用的臨時燈;它被放在一座作為照明和服務室小磚房的角落。在打狗可獲得的工人素質較差,這棟建物花了三個多星期建成。小屋內部面積為6英尺見方,配有櫥櫃、桌子、凳子和油箱;它建在由碎石砌成的堅固基礎平台上。建築所使用的磚瓦均從南岬運來,除石灰外,其他材料均從廈門運來。在白天時,照明設備受到折疊式柚木百葉窗的保護。與安平一樣,由打狗辦公室管理。 (*9)

(*1) 燈塔管理原為各關稅務司負責,按CIRCULAR No.38 of 1878(1878-01-15),自1878-04-01起,沿海燈塔管理以溫州分段,北段以上海為中心,南段統歸廈門關。
(*2) 中研院郭廷以圖書館典藏【Report on Lights, Buoys, and Beacon】歷年年刊,斷續有缺,是為稀物,典藏紙本書籍不開放閱覽,必須在上班時間親訪登記,才可查閱原書影像。
(*3) 完整的【Report on Lights, Buoys, and Beacon(1883)】報告由各口巡工司(Coast Inspector)畢士璧(A. M. Bisbee)提出總結報告,並附上各關報告。由於溫州以南燈塔統歸廈門關管理,畢士璧將廈門關管理範圍稱為南段燈區(Southern Lights District)。總結報告中,畢士璧參考哈爾定的南段燈區紀錄,原文「Referring to Mr. Assistant Engineer Harding's notes, which are quoted in Mr. Commissioner Brown's Report.」,但未附上哈爾定紀錄。
(*4) 廈門關營造司畢詩禮(Michael Beazeley)在1883-04-01參加鵝鑾鼻燈塔點燈後,次日同柏卓安回返廈門,隨即休假16個月。由於南段燈區燈務繁重,江海關營造司哈爾定(J. R. Harding)調任廈門關。
(*5) 原文「Saracen Head」在【海道圖說 卷九】、【寰瀛水路誌 卷四(1889)】皆直譯為「塞勒生頭」。
(*6) 現今稱為「高雄燈塔」。清代稱「旗山鐙」,日治期初稱「打狗燈台」,1920-10-01改稱「高雄燈台」,台灣光復後今名。
(*7) 原文「dioptric」在【海江警船示第183號(1884-01-04)】旗山鐙點燈告示稱為「透鏡」,此按【中國沿海鐙塔誌(1933)】譯為「透光鏡」,「Dioptric when the light is passed through glass lenses and prisms and is concentrated by these media into a parallel beam.」,「透光鏡」實為透鏡(lenses)和稜鏡(prisms)的組合。
(*8) 原文為「164 1/4 feet」,轉為164.25 feet。以下尺寸同十進位法。
(*9) 由可見光弧度可知百葉窗至少需要能開195°30'如三張貼圖,皆可見清代旗山鐙「燈房」第三張可見一面牆側有窗,但是寬度不夠且方位不正確,這扇窗肯定不會是,可惜無法得知另三面牆是否有開連續窗。另外如果斜面屋頂是安裝百葉式天窗,不論在功能性或結構性,也是可以理解的,會是胡思亂想嗎?
ps. 取自日本國會圖書館藏臺灣諸景寫真帖(1889)】

ps. 取自國立臺灣圖書館藏臺灣鐵道案內(1912)

ps. 取自國立臺灣圖書館藏【高雄老明信片(2004)】

1. 2025/01/31初稿貼於Google Blogger。
2. 2025/02/02校正
3. 2025/03/06新增說明「透光鏡」。